var isNS = (navigator.appName == "Netscape"); layerRef = (isNS) ? "document" : "document.all"; styleRef = (isNS) ? "" : ".style"; var queue = new Array(); var NUM_OF_TRAIL_PARTS = 5 for (x=1; x < 6; x++) { eval("trailSpriteFrame" + x + " = new Image(28,36);"); eval("trailSpriteFrame" + x + ".src = '" + x + ".gif';"); } function trailSpriteObj(anID) { this.trailSpriteID = "trailSprite" + anID; this.imgRef = "trailSprite" + anID + "img"; this.currentFrame = 1; this.animateTrailSprite = animateTrailSprite; } function animateTrailSprite() { if (this.currentFrame <6 ) { if (isNS) { eval("document." + this.trailSpriteID +".document['"+ this.imgRef + "'].src = trailSpriteFrame" + this.currentFrame + ".src"); } else { eval("document['" + this.imgRef + "'].src = trailSpriteFrame" + this.currentFrame + ".src"); } this.currentFrame ++; } else { eval(layerRef + '.' + this.trailSpriteID + styleRef + '.visibility = "hidden"'); } } function processAnim() { for(x=0; x < NUM_OF_TRAIL_PARTS; x++) queue[x].animateTrailSprite(); } function processMouse(e) { currentObj = shuffleQueue(); if (isNS) { eval("document." + currentObj + ".left = e.pageX - 10 ;"); eval("document." + currentObj + ".top = e.pageY + 10;"); } else { eval("document.all." + currentObj + ".style.pixelLeft = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - 10 ;"); eval("document.all." + currentObj + ".style.pixelTop = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + 10;"); } } function shuffleQueue() { lastItemPos = queue.length - 1; lastItem = queue[lastItemPos]; for (i = lastItemPos; i>0; i--) queue[i] = queue[i-1]; queue[0] = lastItem; queue[0].currentFrame = 1; eval(layerRef + '.' + queue[0].trailSpriteID + styleRef + '.visibility = "visible"'); return queue[0].trailSpriteID; } function init() { for(x=0; x

Name: Keri

Age: 16

Live: Brampton

Guess what.. I have crush on her.... Aww she such a baby cutie... :*(

Name: Erin (Piksey)

Age: 15

Live: Etobicoke

I 1st saw her at the Ganja Smile party (last Dec 26th) but I never got a chance to meet her cuz I was shy. Later the next party was Y2Krestion I saw her again but still didn't meet her yet! But finally, I met her at F3 "Let Your Backbone Slide" in the morning! The last F3 "Groove is in the HEART" I gave her a sweet ROSE.... She was like oh my GOD and she had big red face and freaked out. because... I really like her so much cuz she really such a pretty in da ravers' world....... ~*~BIG SMILE~*~

Name: Anna

Age: 14

Live: Etobicoke

Anna is really sweet. She makes me so hyper when we're at a rave.

Name: Elenore

Age: 16

Live: Mississauga

Elenore!Ahh!She drives me so crazy!!

Name: Tom

Age: 18

Live: Milton

HeHe....Tom really loves to sleep at the raves and of course at school.

Name: Stacey

Age: 17

Live: Mississagua

Awww.........Stacey alwayscalls me Cute!!! MAde me blush...I was like "OH PLZ" (hehe)

Name: Erin

Age: 17

Live: Mississauga

Erin...really awesome but I don't see much of her.

Name: Mark (Smokeyheademu)

Age 19

Live: Toronto

Smokeyhead reprwesentin' them ravah headz! Hip Hop $4EVER!

Name Jane (Triix)

Age: 18

Live: Whitby

Oh Jane! We were like together cause we can do the liguid dance together. I think we are the BEST liquid dancers!!

Name: Ross

Age: 19 not sure

Live: Whitby

Ross? I like his funfur!! But think I drive him crazy!!!(hehe)

Name: Angel

Age: 18

Live: London

Angel....yeah...she is pretty cute....we would look good together.

Name: Karlene

Age: 16

Live: Mississauga

She's pretty cute....and she is funny. I always joke around with her too much on ICQ!

Name: Jen (Jenstar)

Age: 17

Live: Etobicoke (10 min away from mE)

I met her at my skool, she went to my skool for OSSSA. She really such a cutie. I thought I never see her anymore... But I can't believe I met her at her school !! i was freak out! Finally, we can get more together. I like her as friend, she pretty tall than me eh...

Name: Dave(blue)

Age: 69

Live: Moon

Dave are so cool and good Liquid. I made him funny when I liquid dance like dumb or sick thing! Hey, Everyone look at his pant are WET!! HAHA

Name: Gail

Age: 16

Live: Milton

Oh i very seen her so MANY time!! hehe she is same my school!

Name: Kim

Age: 16

Live: Brampton

Kim saw me at Under The Sea since Hardcore Trix!! I don't remember her. she say hi to me and she was shy. Aww... She is so cute...

Name: Chelsea

Age: 16

Live: Brampton

Name: Kristen

Age: 17

Live: Pickering

She is so cute I wanna her but she has a MAN :oÞ